Temporary Traffic Management Training Framework and Prequalification Scheme

Monday, 3 August 2020

Austroads is seeking feedback on a proposed temporary traffic management national training framework and prequalification scheme.

Austroads released the Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) in December 2019.

Since then we have been working with our member agencies via the Temporary Traffic Management Technical Reference Group (TTMTRG) to develop the National Training Framework and Prequalification Scheme for Temporary Traffic Management. The proposed training framework and prequalification scheme are described in two documents.


  • Aspects of the proposed training framework and prequalification scheme are still being finalised. These aspects are generally referred to within the documents by the word “may”. Industry will be further consulted once more details regarding these aspects are available.
  • The proposed training framework and prequalification scheme will not be applicable to NSW and New Zealand in the first instance. In NSW temporary traffic management training is managed by SafeWork NSW and prequalification is managed by Transport for NSW. New Zealand has its own Code of Practice and schemes which are being reviewed independently.

National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management

The National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management (NTFTTM) sets out a proposed process and training requirements for people working in the design, control or implementation of temporary traffic management. Its content will ultimately be incorporated in the Guide to Temporary Traffic Management Part 8. The NTFTTM therefore needs to be read in conjunction with the Guide, which contains the background information to the training framework.

The key features of the NTFTTM include:

  • consistent training delivery across Australia
  • promotion of best practices in the temporary traffic management training industry
  • consistency in performance reporting of approved training providers and individuals, and sharing of information across road agencies
  • harmonised accreditation scheme for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)
  • potential for accredited RTOs in one jurisdiction to provide training in other jurisdictions
  • potential for recognition of temporary traffic management training qualifications between jurisdictions
  • a centralised database of accredited RTOs
  • a centralised database of all individuals trained in temporary traffic management.

The NTFTTM also describes the link between new units of competency and skill sets that will be used as part of the temporary traffic management training packages. PwC’s Skills for Australia have published the new units for public validation. The public validation process will close on COB Friday 7 August 2020.

Consultation documents

National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management

Feedback form [due 28 August 2020]

Information session

Watch the recording of the information session that discusses the National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management. Presentation slides.

National Prequalification Scheme for Temporary Traffic Management

The National Prequalification Scheme for Temporary Traffic Management (NPSTTM) provides information on a proposed framework for companies wishing to become prequalified for temporary traffic management works. Prequalification is a mandatory requirement for all works managed by State and Territory road authorities participating in the scheme. Other road infrastructure managers (e.g. local councils) may also adopt the scheme as part of their contracts.

The NPSTTM will replace any existing prequalification arrangement of the participating agencies.

The intent of the scheme is to:

  • establish consistent eligibility requirements and prequalification categories
  • promote best practice and consistent standards
  • make it easier for companies to apply for prequalification across multiple jurisdictions
  • establish a centralised database of prequalified traffic management companies.

Consultation documents

National Prequalification Scheme for Temporary Traffic Management

Feedback form [due 28 August 2020]

Information session

Watch the recording of the information session that discusses the National Prequalification Scheme for Temporary Traffic Management. Presentation slides.

Key timeframes

Austroads is planning to finalise the training framework and prequalification schemes by the end of 2020, with a launch in the second half of 2021 (the timing being dependent on Austroads' procurement and development of a central online database / portal).

Industry will be further consulted on:

  • detailed aspects of the schemes that may be developed following this first round of feedback
  • the national training resources
  • aspects of the central system that industry will be required to use.

Austroads member agencies are responsible for adopting the AGTTM and managing the impact on jurisdictional guidance. For further information on the jurisdictional adoption of the AGTTM, please contact the individual member agencies.

For more information please email Richard Delplace, Transport Network Operations Manager at rdelplace@austroads.com.au.

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