Road Design

Our work in road design aims to harmonise practice, encourage adoption of emerging technology and incorporate the Safe System approach. Road design activities range from minor improvements to small sections of existing roads, to major greenfield design of arterial roads as part of significant regional or inter-regional development.

Latest publications and webinars

Webinar: Strategic Review of Road Design Guidance
  • 23 April 2024
  • Webinars
For decades, Austroads Guide to Road Design (AGRD) has served as a critical resource for practitioners involved in road planning, design and engineering. Austroads recently completed a strategic review of road design guidance, identifying strategies…
Webinar: Update to the Guide to Road Design – Detailed Review of Supplements
Supplements have provided important additional guidance to the Austroads Guide to Road Design (Guide). But there are questions about their use. Are these supplements needed? What should they contain? Should the information in the agency supplements…
A Platform for Managing Supplements to the Austroads Guide to Road Design
This report is one of the two reports that document the findings of a research project undertaken to update the Austroads Guide to Road Design (AGRD). The project reviewed the jurisdictional practices of developing supplements to the AGRD to identify…

Austroads' Road Design Task Force and their projects.

An overview of the Guide to Road Design which is intended to provide designers with a framework that promotes efficiency and economy in design and construction, and consistency and safety for road users.