Webinar: Practical Approaches for Managing Regional Road Safety Priorities

Date: Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Location: Online, 1:00 – 2:00pm AEST
Organiser: Austroads
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Road users in regional and remote Australia are at a greater risk of road trauma than those living in major cities. Approximately one third of Australians live in regional or remote areas but two thirds of fatal crashes occur in these areas. The fatality rate in regional and remote areas is 12.2 deaths per 100,000 population and increases to 34.6 deaths per 100,000 in very remote areas. The former figure is almost five times greater than the rate for major cities which is 2.6 deaths per 100,000 population.

Austroads has completed a project to provide information on known effective road safety interventions for regional and remote areas.The information is presented in two reports. The first is the research report and the second report, which is based on the research report, is a shorter practitioner-focussed report which provides succinct and easy-to-access information via factsheets on evidence-based effective interventions, a prioritisation framework, and evaluation framework.

The evidence-based findings from this project provide practical guidance for practitioners to effectively select, prioritise, implement and evaluate interventions to prevent road fatalities and serious injuries in regional and remote areas.

This webinar will provide a background to and overview of the project; highlights from the literature review; an overview of the factsheets and how they have been structured; a summary of the prioritisation framework and its application; and a summary of the evaluation framework and its application.

The webinar will be presented by Dr Tana Tan, Dr Lisa Wundersitz and Dr Chris Stokes. There will be question and answer opportunities during the session.

Dr Tana Tan is the research & evaluation lead at Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd and has over 15 years of experience as a researcher, project manager, consultant, and trainer. He has authored several peer reviewed papers on vehicle safety and has led several motorcycle safety projects. Tana has also led a number of projects including Austroads Guide to Road Safety Restructure and Update, Austroads Practical Guide for Managing and Regional Road Safety Priorities, Austroads LAMS Update, VicRoads/DoT Update of the Making Roads Motorcycle Friendly Guide, TfNSW ATLM and Motorcycle Stability Pilot Evaluation, and TAC Safe System Crash Investigation Program.

Dr Lisa Wundersitz is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Automotive Safety Research at the University of Adelaide. With a PhD in Psychology and 25 years of experience in road safety, Lisa has extensive experience in leading human factors research aimed at influencing road user behaviour. Her work on a wide range of research projects has provided strategic evidence-based guidance and influenced government policy across Australia. She has successfully worked with a wide range of agencies throughout Australia and developed a reputation for her work in a number of areas including young drivers, road user impairment (alcohol, drugs, fatigue), driver distraction and the evaluation of behavioural road safety interventions and programs. Lisa is currently invested in improving regional and remote road safety. She led the Austroads project National view on regional and remote road safety which informed the National Road Safety Strategy. Lisa is a panel member for the United States Transportation Research Board’s Highway Safety Behavioural Strategies for Rural Areas project and a member of the South Australian Road User Safety Advisory Committee.

Dr Chris Stokes has been working with the Centre for Automotive Safety Research since July, 2014. He originally graduated from The University of Adelaide with a degree in civil and structural engineer in 2009 and then with a PhD in civil engineering in 2014. Chris’ research is heavily involved with aligning road infrastructure and traffic management to Safe System thinking, with publications through Austroads and scientific journals. He is an expert in road safety infrastructure and has led both the development and evaluation of leading road safety solutions. Chris’ abilities include data collection, survey design, data analysis, computer programming and statistical analysis. Chris’ work also extends to in-depth crash investigation and he has been involved in the investigation of over one hundred crashes since 2015.

No charge but registration is essential.

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