Asset Management

Webinar: Introduction to the Life Cycle Costing Framework and its Application to Unsealed Roads
  • Publication no: WEB-AAM6141-3
  • Published: 30 June 2020

This webinar, presented on 30 June 2020 by Zia Rice, Tyrone Toole and Lory Noya, looks specifically into the use of the life-cycle costing framework and the important components that are considered for the assessment of an unsealed road.

Special guest speakers from ARRB’s Asset Management team provide greater detail into the life-cycle costing examples through the presentation of several case studies.

The webinar is based on the practical guidance published in Austroads’ report Sustainable Roads Through Fit-for-purpose Use of Available Materials.

The report provides step-by-step guidance to help road agencies undertake a material risk assessment for roads and identify practices or design and construction considerations which may reduce risk and expand fit-for-purpose material options.

The presentation slides and the Q+A can be downloaded from the supporting documents tab after logging in.