Asset Management

Cover of Guide to Asset Management Part 4: Program Development and Implementation
Guide to Asset Management Part 4: Program Development and Implementation
  • Publication no: AGAM04-09
  • ISBN: 978-1-921551-04-8
  • Published: 1 May 2009
  • Edition: 1
  • Superseded

Guide to Asset Management Part 4 gives practitioners guidance for decision making with respect to good practice asset management at a network levelfor program development and implementation. Program development involves identifying asset requirements, setting appropriate levels of service for maintenance intervention in developing a maintenance works program, the development of a total needs program and its evaluation, selection of maintenance treatment and capital works options and the process of prioritisation and optimisation of the programmed works to ensure best value for money. Program implementation covers developing appropriate delivery arrangements of the works program and includes public reporting and information dissemination about the program and the media used achieve this.