Active Travel

Cover of National Cycling Strategy: Implementation Report 2015
National Cycling Strategy: Implementation Report 2015
  • Publication no: AP-C93-16
  • ISBN: 978-1-925451-34-4
  • Published: 6 September 2016

In September 2016 the Australian Bicycle Council published the National Cycling Strategy Implementation Report 2015 which outlines the progress made on the National Cycling Strategy in 2015.

In this, the fifth year of the National Cycling Strategy 2011-16:

  • Australian states and territories invested $125.4 million in cycling related infrastructure, education and promotion in 2014-15.
  • Programs that encouraged short trips include Good Move (NSW), Ride2School (Vic, Tas), TravelSMART(SA), way2go (SA), Your Move (WA), Safe Active Streets (WA), Short Trips are Bikeable (NT) and Active Streets (ACT).
  • A number of jurisdictions have changed the regulations that govern where cycling is permitted. Cycling is now permitted on footpaths in Queensland, South Australia, the Northern Territory and the ACT.
  • A number of jurisdictions have introduced minimum passing distance legislation that requires drivers to provide a lateral distance of at least 1m (up to and including 60 km/h) and 1.5m (over 60 km/h) between their vehicle and a cyclist. Drivers in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and the ACT are now required to comply with minimum passing distance laws. Although Tasmania has not changed its legislation, it uses advisory signs and advertising to deliver the same message.
  • The third National Cycling Participation Survey was carried out in 2015, with the results indicating that cycling participation has not increased or decreased significantly over the life of the current National Cycling Strategy. These results do not meet the target set in the National Cycling Strategy to double cycling participation over the life of the Strategy.