Assessing Fitness to Drive 2022 launched

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

After many months of preparation, the revised Assessing Fitness to Drive standards are now available on the Austroads website.

Users of the new standards, which came into effect on 22 June, will notice a much-improved format for our online delivery of this essential reference. Intuitive navigation and improved search functionality will streamline the assessment process for busy health professionals. The site also supports knowledge sharing around key fitness to drive issues, including older drivers, chronic medical conditions, driving for people with disabilities and the requirements for heavy vehicle and commercial vehicle drivers.

The redeveloped website takes the guess work out of transitioning to new requirements resulting from the 2021 review by the National Transport Commission. There are alerts in each section drawing users’ attention to the key changes, plus an easy-to-use Summary of Changes that can be downloaded separately.

“Leading up to this point, there has been a great deal of collaboration across Jurisdictions, health organisations and industry” says Michael Nieuwesteeg, Austroads Road Safety and Design Program Manager. “This paves the way for an ambitious program of implementation activities that will see us begin to collectively address the need for information and education regarding fitness to drive”.

Austroads is looking forward to supporting stakeholders in their implementation and application of the standards.

Download the Assessing Fitness to Drive 2022 edition.

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