12th Austroads Bridge Conference to be held in Brisbane

Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Austroads is pleased to announce that the 12th Austroads Bridge Conference will be held in Brisbane, Queensland from 25 – 27 June 2025.

Held regularly since 1991, the conference brings together industry experts, bridge practitioners, material scientists and structural engineers from across Australasia. The conference offers industry the chance to share research, network and recognise practitioners who have delivered exemplary bridge structures at the Austroads Bridge Awards.

Geoff Allan, Austroads Chief Executive, noted the importance of industry connection. “Bridges and structures need to support the movement of increasingly diverse road users and increasingly heavy loads in an increasingly volatile natural environment. Sharing innovative approaches, research and knowledge is an integral part of responding to those challenges.”

The call to submit a technical abstract for the conference will be opening soon.

“Austroads looks forward to celebrating excellence at the Austroads Bridge Awards; a chance to recognise the individuals and organisations that have delivered exceptional structures across Australasia. We are eager to gather with industry once again to collaborate, connect and celebrate industry achievements in 2025.”

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