Traffic Management

Cover of ITS Architecture Roadmap
ITS Architecture Roadmap
  • Publication no: AP-R513-16
  • ISBN: 978-1-925451-05-4
  • Published: 31 March 2016

The National ITS Architecture Roadmap provides an overview of Austroads’ activities and timeframes to progress the development and implementation of the National ITS Architecture. The roadmap:

  • Provides a timeline that identifies key milestones in the ongoing development, governance and adoption of the National ITS Architecture.
  • Identifies when Austroads will engage with broader government agencies at a federal, state and local level and the ITS industry.
  • Outlines the activities required to develop and implement the National ITS Architecture.

The expected benefits of the National ITS Architecture Roadmap include:

  • Road agencies are provided with a timeline to develop and implement transition plans to leverage the National ITS Architecture, while achieving national alignment.
  • The progress towards the development and implementation of a National ITS Architecture can be readily measured on a common national basis.
  • Industry will gain a clearer view of the timeframes associated with the development and adoption of the National ITS Architecture, to better leverage increasing road agency maturity in delivering ITS services.
  • The Roadmap
  • Roadmap Objectives
  • Roadmap Benefits
  • Roadmap Components
  • Industry Engagement