Road Safety

Cover of Potential Improvements for Non-Motorised and Vulnerable (Unprotected) Users in the Road System
Potential Improvements for Non-Motorised and Vulnerable (Unprotected) Users in the Road System
  • Publication no: AP-R195-01
  • ISBN: 0 85588 594 7
  • Published: 1 January 2001

The main project objective was to provide transport authorities with potential improvements which will assist them to cater effectively for the needs and expectations of customers who use non-motorised forms of transport as well as those considered to be vulnerable or unprotected users such as the very young, the elderly and users with disabilities. The project was undertaken in three phases; a detailed literature review encompassing programs, policies and trends from around Australia and the rest of the world relating to initiatives for non-motorised and vulnerable (unprotected) road users; a two-stage stakeholder consultation process, and development of a series of strategic document. Based upon the information distilled from the literature review and the stakeholder consultation, several key trends and research directions and priorities were identified to assist both the public sector and industry in recognising and accommodating the needs of non-motorised and vulnerable (unprotected) road users within the context of traffic management and the road user environment. These were then used to develop a set of potential improvements for non-motorised and vulnerable (unprotected) users in the road system.

  • Executive Summary
  • Contents
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Background
  • 3. Vision and Objectives
  • 4. Potential Improvements for Non-Motorised and Vulnerable (Unprotected) Users in the Road System
  • Appendix A: State-of-the-art Literature Review