
- Publication no: AGPT-T190-19
- Published: 16 May 2019
- Superseded
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This specification framework outlines the requirements for polymer modified binders (PMBs) and crumb rubber modified binders for use in both sprayed sealing and asphalt applications.
This document has been superseded by ATS 3110.
This specification has been revised following a review of current PMB manufacturing, testing and application experience.
This version of the test method includes an alternative Standards Australia method to determine viscosity at 165 °C, a stress ratio binder property and a definition for field-produced crumb rubber modified binders. The consistency and elastic recovery binder properties have been removed, and the rubber content by analysis binder property for the class S45R binder has been replaced with a stipulation that this binder class be manufactured from crumb rubber derived from used vehicle tyres.
- Commentary
- Preface
- Scope
- Further Development
- 1. References
- 2. Specification Structure
- 3. Sampling and Testing Binders
- 3.1 General
- 3.2 Testing at Point of Delivery
- 4. Handling and Occupational Health and Safety
- 5. Properties
- 5.1 Binder Class Property Tables
- 6. Amendment Record