
Cover of Dynamic Load Allowance: A Synthesis of the State of the Art
Dynamic Load Allowance: A Synthesis of the State of the Art
  • Publication no: ABC2017-031-17
  • Published: 20 April 2017

The dynamic interaction between heavy vehicles and bridges is a key consideration for bridge loading. Over many decades, engineers have sought to understand the phenomenon and determine suitable design rules to ensure safe designs. However, with the aging of vast networks of highway infrastructure in many countries, there is a need to avoid overly-conservative assessment of existing bridges. In such cases the traditional worst-case scenario approach is better replaced by a probabilistic approach. But this approach is difficult given the subject matter and wide range of variables in the problem.

This paper summarises the current state of the art in the modelling and assessment of the dynamic load allowance from a first principles viewpoint. It presents recent research in numerical modelling and experimental work. It shows that there are some consistent findings by many researchers that could be implemented in bridge assessment codes of practice to reduce rehabilitation costs while ensuring safety.

*Best Paper Winner: Austroads Bridge Conference 2017