
Cover of Design of Very Long Bridges with Multiple Spans
Design of Very Long Bridges with Multiple Spans
  • Publication no: ABC-DES017-11
  • Published: 31 October 2011

The design of very long bridges with multiple spans requires careful consideration of design assumptions and construction requirements, as any errors or inefficiencies for a typical span are replicated for the whole bridge and can lead to significant time and cost increases. In particular, consideration must be given to section sizes and types for critical members; construction techniques, timing and sequencing; and variable geotechnical properties. Improvements to the design, including opportunities for innovation to minimise the capital cost, are an evolving process and continue well into the construction phase. Importantly, however, any corrections or adjustments made to the design during the construction phase have a large impact on procurement and construction of the bridge. This paper presents the lessons learnt from the design and construction of the Australia’s longest bridge, the 2.8km Ted Smout Memorial Bridge over Bramble Bay, in Brisbane, Queensland.