Active Travel

Cover of Traffic Flow Models Allowing for Pedestrians and Cyclists
Traffic Flow Models Allowing for Pedestrians and Cyclists
  • Publication no: AP-R193-01
  • ISBN: 0 85588 590 4
  • Published: 1 January 2001
In the past traditional traffic management has focused on motor vehicles with minimal consideration given to other road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. As a consequence pedestrians and cyclists can often experience mobility constraints and risks to their personal safety as a result of traffic management treatments. This report, Traffic Flow Models Allowing for Bicycles and Pedestrians involved identifying models that consider pedestrians and cyclists and their relevance for use in Australia and New Zealand. The first stage of the study involved a review of Australian, New Zealand and overseas literature to identify safety and mobility issues associated with pedestrians and cyclists and traffic management treatments. The second stage of the project investigated traffic models that allow for pedestrian and cyclists.
  • Executive Summary
  • Contents
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Methodology
  • 3. Literature Review
  • 4. Traffic Models Allowing for Pedestrians and Cyclists
  • 5. Conclusions
  • 6. References