Guide to Road Design – revision of Part 7: Geotechnical Investigation and Design

Project Number: SRD6071

Start: 17-07-2017
End: 28-03-2019

This project will update Guide to Road Design Part 7: Geotechnical Investigation and Design, and Part 8: Processes and Documentation. These guide parts were published in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Part 7 describes the importance of geotechnical investigations in road design. Incorporation of safe system practices into Part 7 of the Guide will be considered, as recommended by Safety Program project SP1705. Part 8 details requirements for documentation quality and presentation. The update of Part 8 will also consider inclusion of safe system practices and links to the International Standards Organisation series. This review will result in up-to-date guidance documents, improved practices and harmonisation of practice across Australia and New Zealand.

Proposed outputs: Guide or update to Guide

Consultants: ARRB (VIC)

Program: Road Safety & Design [Road Design ]

Status: Complete