The National Cycling Participation Survey (NCPS) is a standardised survey that has been repeated biennially since March/April 2011, with minor changes to the survey structure between 2011 and 2013. The NCPS provides data on cycling participation at a national level and allows for estimates of participation for each state and territory, and the capital cities and non-capital areas within each state and territory.
The 2019 survey suggests that around 3.43 million Australians ride bikes for transport or recreation in a typical week.
Measured over the previous week the cycling participation rate has declined from 15.5% in 2017, to 13.8% in 2019. This decline is statistically significant and appears to be consistent with the trend since the survey was first conducted in 2011. The same decline is not reflected in the proportion of people cycling in the past month and year.
The decline in cycling participation observed at a national level appears to be driven primarily by declines among children, teenage males and young adult males. This has not been fully compensated by an increase in cycling by teenage girls and among those aged 50 and over.
2019 marks the last year the National Cycling Participation Survey will be undertaken by Austroads.
Survey reports
Australian Cycling Participation 2019
Australian Cycling Participation 2017
Australian Cycling Participation 2015
Australian Cycling Participation 2013
Australian Cycling Participation 2011
2021 Update
Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand (CWANZ) have released the results of the National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey 2021Opens in new window.