Valuing place in the road transport system

Monday, 20 July 2020

Transport agencies’ increasing adoption of the Movement and Place framework in transport planning demonstrates their focus on enabling good Place outcomes as well as traditional Movement outcomes. Austroads has published a research report to guide transport practitioners in better classifying, measuring and valuing Place through transport planning processes.

“There is no one-size-fits-all definition of Place”, said Richard Delplace, Program Manager Transport Network Operations. “However, establishing a clear, consistent way to classify, measure and value it will support stakeholders from different professions and expertise to collaborate on enabling Place outcomes, and ultimately allow public spaces to be more appropriately recognised and prioritised in transport decision making”.

Extensive research was undertaken including reviewing existing jurisdictional practice and aspirations, examining case studies across Australia and New Zealand, and recommending the most suitable ways of classifying, measuring and valuing Place.

Place classification is vital for bringing together what could otherwise be unique, complex and subjective, so it becomes comprehensible.

“We learnt that a transparent approach worked best to classify places,” said Will Fooks, report author. “As such, using existing land use planning zoning is a good first step, with further refinements based on local studies and community engagement”.

Measurement of Place plays two roles – as a tool to understand how a place compares with its aspirations and how it could be improved, and as an input to a valuation calculation. Where Movement’s principal measurements are volume, time and distance, people (number and characteristics), time (spent benefiting from place) and the way they spend that time (dwell behaviour) provide a good first capture for use of Place, followed by additional metrics which reflect local aspirations and nuances.

Finally, to effectively influence transport planning and investment, Place valuation should follow similar quantification and monetisation principles as Movement valuation, using willingness-to-pay values to help estimate the monetary value of Place benefits.

These approaches, when used together and supported by effective governance structures, will ensure that Place outcomes are considered on par with Movement outcomes.

Download the report: Classifying, Measuring and Valuing the Benefits of Place on the Transport System

Join us for a webinar with authors Will Fooks and Ed Zhao on Thursday, 13 August 2020, 1:00-2:00 pm AEST. The session will explore the many different ways in which place is being measured both locally and internationally, and how transport practitioners can practically and effectively classify, measure and value the place function of our streets.

No charge but registration essential. Can't make the live session? Register and we'll send you a link to the recording.

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